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Verify or Create Your SPSS.com Account

Already a verified user?
If you have already completed the e-mail verification, simply log in to SPSS.com below.

Haven't verified your e-mail address yet?
In order to introduce new features and content at SPSS.com, we will now be verifiying e-mail addresses used to register at SPSS.com. The process is simple, and will allow you access to some great new SPSS.com features. Just follow these three easy steps.

Log in below using the e-mail address used to register here at SPSS.com, or create a new user profile with a new e-mail address.

Look for an e-mail with the subject "SPSS.com Verification". Be sure to check your spam e-mail filters if you don't see it within an hour.

When you receive the e-mail, click the verification link to activate your account.

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